Thank You for the Dance Donna Summer

17 May


Donna Summer

December 31, 1948 – May 17, 2012

I love disco. I grew up in the 70s when it was a staple at the roller rink (I was too young for the dance clubs. I was only in elementary school), but I made sure as I got older (fifth grade) I would represent the fashion by wearing my friend Lisa Garrison’s rainbow heeled platform tennis shoes (my mother was never going to buy me a pair no matter how much I begged), my skin-tight electric blue satin pants with matching jacket (think Olivia Newton John as ‘Sandy’ at the end of the movie “Grease”) and a lot of Vaseline on my lips to make them shiny (I was not allowed to wear lip gloss until sixth grade.)

I also  had my boom box set to KLAV AM, then Disco 1-2-3 KLAV, so I could boogie as I got ready for school or my big night out at Crystal Palace Skating Rink. All great memories from childhood with a soundtrack to flashback to innocent fun.  Here are my four favorite songs by Donna Summer.

Rest, peace, and comfort everlasting.

Dim All the Lights

Last Dance

On the Radio

Mac Arthur Park


Thank You for Reading.

Adrienne xo

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